Your New Hobby: Monthly Cookie Decorating Guides

A new beginner cookie decorating guide drops on the first Tuesday of each month. 

Welcome To Iced Kitchen

Cami Bird is behind it, but there's more to the story

Cami’s been decorating cookies since 2014, but has never *officially* sold a cookie because that’s a whole other challenge.

Cookie decorating started as a fun Christmas activity alongside a cookie exchange, but, along with a new friend, it turned into a monthly hobby. Each month they would decide on a theme and decorate a set of cookies, following no rules and trying out new techniques.

Decorating sugar cookies helped both of them grow in a new area, test their patience, and also look incredibly impressive (even when they thought the cookies looked like trash). Give a set a try and see how you like it!

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(I literally come here to remind myself of the recipe details.)

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